“Empower the cotton community with sustainable practices and innovation through our collaborative initiatives. Join us in cultivating a thriving future for Australian cotton, where shared knowledge and engagement foster a resilient and united industry.”


“Cotton Australia has established genuine partnerships with retailers, brands, manufacturers, and supply chain collaborators who align with our industry’s principles. If your organization is committed to minimizing environmental impact, ensuring fair and safe treatment of workers, maintaining product quality, and embracing supply chain traceability, we could be potential collaborators in advancing these shared values.”


Cotton cultivation extends across over 100 regional Australian communities, with nearly 90% of the country’s cotton farms being family-owned. Offering direct support to over 4,000 businesses, the Australian cotton industry contributes significantly, generating annual export earnings of up to $3 billion.


Cotton is grown in more than 100 Australian communities and 40 rural and regional local government areas. Locations where cotton is grown include central and southern Queensland, northern, central and southern NSW, northern Victoria, and trial crops in small areas of northern Queensland, northern Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

Throughout these regions there are up to 1,500 cotton farms growing some of the finest quality and highest yielding cotton in the world.

When times are good, and there is plenty of water in the rivers, cotton helps these communities prosper. But when drought sets in and there is no water for cotton (or any other crop), these towns suffer and can take a long time to recover.


Around 90% of Australia’s cotton enterprises are family-owned, contributing approximately 80% of the total crop output. These multi-generational families not only cultivate the land but actively participate in their local communities, providing employment opportunities, supporting local businesses, and engaging in various community activities. With an average spending of 79% of their expenses within their immediate local areas, cotton growers play a vital role in bolstering regional economies. Moreover, their involvement in community events, sponsorships, charities, and local groups, as indicated by industry surveys and ABS data, demonstrates a commitment to the well-being of their communities. The broader impact of the cotton industry extends to job creation in production, harvesting, ginning, and related services, benefiting mechanics, farm machinery distributors, consultants, advisors, crop processors, and various support services employees. Additionally, the industry contributes to the prosperity of ancillary sectors such as banking, transportation, warehousing, and shipment merchandising, ensuring a thriving and interconnected Australian cotton landscape.