Explore comprehensive guides and fact sheets on sustainable cotton farming practices, pest management, and water conservation in Australia, fostering agricultural education on the Cotton Australia website.


Cotton Australia has formed a number of authentic partnerships with retailers, brands, manufacturers and supply chain partners who share the industry’s values. If your organisation believes in reducing environmental footprint, the fair and safe treatment of workers, quality product and supply chain traceability – then we may be in business.


Cotton Australia has two Education Kits available for students and school classroom teachers: the Cotton Education Kit (digital resource) and the Cotton Sampler Education Pack (physical resource that we can post upon request – to Australian locations only. This is not available for individual home school educators, however, consideration will be given to home schooling hubs/groups that service 15 or more home schooling families).

Whether it is ideas for incorporating cotton contexts in the classroom, great teaching resources, or information for a school project, all you need to know about cotton is right here.

Designed for all teachers and high school students, the 10-chapter digital Cotton Education Kit is linked to dynamic resources such as video, websites, research, and case studies. This kit has been mapped to the Australian Curriculum for Years 7-10, and targeted outcomes for Years 11 -12 from all state & territory curriculums across Australia. A list of themes is provided for teachers at the back of each chapter as a quick guide to assist linking the content to their unit of work or syllabi in their state or territory.

Cotton Sampler Education Pack

This sampler pack is available to school classroom teachers. It includes:

  • Set of three classroom posters
  • A small packet of conventional cotton seeds
  • Pocket Guide to Cotton brochure
  • Ginned and unginned cotton samples