1A number of organisations work within the Australian cotton industry. Here are four organisations that relate most directly to the industry’s relationship with the textile supply chain.

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Cotton Australia has formed a number of authentic partnerships with retailers, brands, manufacturers and supply chain partners who share the industry’s values. If your organisation believes in reducing environmental footprint, the fair and safe treatment of workers, quality product and supply chain traceability – then we may be in business.


Cotton Australia is the peak body for Australia’s cotton growers, a not-for-profit organisation funded by a voluntary levy on every bale of cotton produced. Cotton Australia’s Cotton to Market Program seeks to position Australian cotton in the world textile market, assist brands and retailers to source cotton from Australia and raise the profile of Australian cotton globally with a range of stakeholders. Cotton Australia is also responsible for working with farmers to implement the myBMP on-farm sustainability program.

The Australian cotton industry is a vital sector of the country’s economy, producing high-quality cotton for both domestic and international markets. The industry is supported by the Cotton Australia organization, which represents cotton growers and works to promote sustainable and profitable cotton production.

Cotton Australia provides research and development support to growers, helping to improve farming practices and promote innovation in the industry. The organization also works to educate consumers about the benefits of Australian cotton and the sustainable practices used by growers.

The Australian cotton industry is known for its high standards of quality and sustainability, with growers using advanced farming techniques to minimize environmental impact and ensure the long-term viability of the industry. With its strong focus on research, innovation, and sustainability, the Australian cotton industry is well positioned for continued growth and success.