Australian cotton growers prioritize sustainability and quality, resulting in high-end products that meet international standards. By investing in research and innovation, they continuously improve their practices to enhance yield and minimize environmental impact. With many farms being family-owned, there is a deep sense of community and commitment to upholding shared values within the industry.

Get Involved

Cotton Australia has formed a number of authentic partnerships with retailers, brands, manufacturers and supply chain partners who share the industry’s values. If your organisation believes in reducing environmental footprint, the fair and safe treatment of workers, quality product and supply chain traceability – then we may be in business.

  • Cotton is grown in mainly NSW and Queensland by up to 1,500 mostly family farmers. There are small areas of cotton and some trial sites in Victoria, Western Australia and the Northern Territory
  • The industry produces on average around 680,000 tonnes of raw cotton fibre, worth over $1.8 billion to the national economy
  • Australian farmers grow some of the highest quality cotton in the world
  • Australia produces cotton yields three times the world average, with year on year improvements over decades
  • Cotton farmers employ over 10,000 people per year, on farms alone
  • The myBMP cotton certification standard includes over 400 standards, making it one of the most robust cotton sustainability programs in the world
  • Australian cotton is a highly collaborative and transparent industry that works together to achieve positive change
  • Australia is the fourth largest exporter of cotton in the world, representing around 3-5% of global production
  • The industry invests around $25 million every year in research and development to optimise farming systems, find transformative technologies, ensure sustainability and create higher value uses for cotton
  • Australian cotton bales are traceable from the farm to the spinning mill