Cotton Australia’s website serves as a hub for promoting sustainable cotton farming practices, fostering environmental conservation and responsible resource management.


Cotton Australia has formed a number of authentic partnerships with retailers, brands, manufacturers and supply chain partners who share the industry’s values. If your organisation believes in reducing environmental footprint, the fair and safe treatment of workers, quality product and supply chain traceability – then we may be in business.


A total of 90% of Australia’s cotton farms are owned by family farmers, representing around 80% of the crop. These are inter-generational family businesses that grow food and fibre crops to feed and clothe the world. Nearly a quarter of Australian cotton farmers are women.


Cotton farms in Australia employ over 10,000 people on farms alone, not including the extensive use of on-farm contractors. Post-farm gate, the industry directly employs a further estimated 1,700 people in marketing and export, cotton classing and in the 41 regional gins. The industry also supports jobs for agronomists, rural suppliers and other input providers.


Australia’s cotton farmers are economically sustainable, allowing them to reinvest in their farms, the economy and the local community. In the five years to 2018, average
profitability of growing irrigated cotton grew by 76% due to high prices and yields and favourable exchange rates.

In 2018-19, cotton growers reported spending 93% of their business expenses in the local area and/or nearest regional centre.


The Australian cotton industry has a long history of supporting local businesses and sponsoring community projects to assist those in need, from rural mental health to local rugby clubs and rural breast cancer centres.

Of the Australian cotton growers surveyed by CRDC in 2019:

  • 90% of farmers reported being involved in at least one community event in 2019
  • 74% regularly attended local events
  • 71% made regular donations or sponsored local charities or activities
  • 65% were involved in a local community group
  • 52% were actively involved in local sport
  • 36% were actively involved in local schools