Cotton Australia prioritizes sustainable farming practices, reducing water and chemical usage to promote environmental conservation and long-term viability of cotton cultivation.


Cotton Australia has formed a number of authentic partnerships with retailers, brands, manufacturers and supply chain partners who share the industry’s values. If your organisation believes in reducing environmental footprint, the fair and safe treatment of workers, quality product and supply chain traceability – then we may be in business.


Since 1992, industry research data shows a trend of improvement in many areas. Producing a bale of irrigated Australian cotton now requires:

  • 48% less water
  • 97% less insecticides
  • 34% less land

Australia’s cotton growers are innovators, and rapid adopters of technology. Surveys have shown:

  • 93% of farmers use Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to control pests
  • 96% of irrigators have improved their furrow irrigation system or changed to an alternate irrigation system
  • 82% use round module pickers that minimise fibre contamination and increase farm safety
  • 70% of farmers use soil moisture probes in order to schedule irrigations for maximum water use efficiency
  • 90% use satellite navigation systems in tractors to map and monitor yield and performance
  • 84% use a smart phone or tablet for accessing information about their farming system
  • 36% used manures or composts as part of their nutrition program
  • 91% used autosteer for most machinery operations
  • Nearly 1 in 3 Australian cotton growers generated and used solar energy